Freelance Artist


Hello, I'm Ella (spelled 3lla on my social media), and thank you for stopping by. Here's a little info on me in case you're interested:Currently, I'm working towards an A.S. in Graphic Design at the State College of Florida in Bradenton. I've been illustrating for at least the length of time I could stand upright and writing fiction about as long as that. I have a great passion for art and storytelling and consume an alarming amount of either (or a combination of the two) on a daily basis.If you want to talk fantasy, science fiction, musicals, cartoons, comics, or animals, (or the lazy representation of black characters for audiences by entertainment companies), then we will have plenty to talk about if you're feeling chatty.Stay tuned for a Webtoon I'm both writing and illustrating called Lantana, which I'll be posting on Webtoon in Canvas when it's complete.


Q: What programs do you use?
A: Clip Studio Paint, Photoshop, Sketchup, Paint Tool Sai (previously).
Q: What devices do you use?
A: Mobilestudio Pro 16, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7.
Q: What brushes do you use?
A: I mostly use the default brushes from Clip Studio Paint for drawing and coloring, sometimes with some changes.
Q: How long does it take you to finish a drawing?
A: a fully rendered drawing can take me anywhere from four hours to ten or more, depending on the number of characters and complexity of the design.
Q: Do you do art trades or collaborations?
A: At the moment, only with close friends.
Q: Can I repost your art?
A: You can repost my art with permission from me and credit.


Status: Open

I will draw:I will NOT draw:
Anime-style portraitsRealistic portraits*
(Coming Soon)Depictions of hate/discrimination

*You can send inquiries here



No Color, Lineart Only

Waist Up$16$27
Full Body$25$42

*All prices subject to change


High-resolution image at 3510 x 2490 px, 300 dpi.Default size is 11.7 x 8.3 in. (A4 photo size) but a request can be made for other sizes.For very complex characters, the prices may be higher.

Color, Fully Rendered

Click image to view

Waist Up$50$85
Full Body$60$102

*All prices subject to change


Cell-shading style softened with gradients and colored lineart.High-resolution image at 3510 x 2490 px, 300 dpi.Default size is 11.7 x 8.3 in. (A4 photo size) but a request can be made for other sizes.For very complex characters, the prices may be higher.


BG 1BG 2BG 3
Plain ColorSimple BGRendered BG
Simple GradientNo more than 2 elements2-4 elements

*All prices subject to change


Cell-shading style softened with gradients and colored lineart.High-resolution image at 3510 x 2490 px, 300 dpi.Default size is 11.7 x 8.3 in. (A4 photo size) but a request can be made for other sizes.Prices may be higher with additional elements and complex details.



I. terms

  1. Artist: The individual producing the Commission (“Sherrell Brown,” “3llablla").

  2. Client: The individual purchasing the Commission.

  3. Commission: The form of service provided by the Artist to the Client per the Commission Agreement. "Artwork" is used interchangeably with "Commission".

  4. Commission Agreement: The acceptance of the commission by the Artist in email correspondence after the Order Form has been received. The Commission Agreement is an agreement between the Artist and the Client and will summarize the subject matter and type of Commission to be produced, the Commission price, the Commission deadline, early termination circumstances, rush fees, and/or whether or not the Commission can be immediately displayed in the Artist’s portfolio.

  5. Order Form: The form that must be completed when ordering a Commission. The Order Form places the Client on a waitlist.

  6. Commercial Purpose: Use or redistribution of the commissioned artwork for the purpose of making money, digital or otherwise.

  7. Commercial Purpose Commission Agreement: A Commission Agreement developed specifically for Commercial Purpose. A Commercial Purpose Commission Agreement requires separate Terms of Service, developed on a case-by-case basis.

  8. Start of Work: The point in time by which the Artist begins to create the Commission.

II. General

  1. The Artist has the right to reject any commission request for any reason. Reasons for rejection may include but are not limited to: intolerable behavior on behalf of the Client, requests outside of what is accepted on the Commission Info page, or a closed Commission status, which is also visible on the Commission Info page.

  2. The Client is purchasing the Artist’s labor only. The Artist retains all rights to the Commission, which includes but is not limited to: Distribution, reproduction and use of the Commission for promotion.

  3. The Client may request a preview of the Commission at any time during the creation process. The Artist will provide an image of the Commission as-is, but will only commit to the agreed upon number of revisions in the Commission Agreement.

III. Copyright

  1. The Artist retains full and exclusive rights to the original artwork. The Client may not claim the artwork as their own. The Client may, however, use the artwork for promotional purposes, as long as credit to the Artist is given.

  2. All Commissioned Artwork is for noncommercial purposes only. Unless stated in a Commercial Purpose Commission Agreement.

  3. If the Commission is for Commercial Purpose, the Artist must be notified prior to the Start of Work. Intent for commercial use of the Commission must be documented in the Order Form.

IV. Pricing

  1. The price of the commissioned artwork is paid upfront after the Commission Agreement is made; unless the price is equal to or exceeds $100, whereas 50% may be paid upfront, and 50% after sketch approval.

  2. Payments are made through Paypal The service charge for Paypal is included in the commission pricing. All prices are in USD.

  3. Payments must be received within 24 hours from the acceptance of the Commission Agreement. If no payment is made after 24 hours and no prior notice and agreement has been made with the Artist, then the Commission Agreement will be canceled.

  4. It is the responsibility of the Client to inform the Artist when payment has been made. The Artist will not begin work on the Commission until the payment has been received and the Artist has been notified.

  5. Pricing for Commissions for Commercial Use will be decided on a case-by-case basis. However, the starting consideration for pricing will be either 300% of the original price of the Commission, or a percentage of earnings for the Client using the Commission.

  6. In the case of any financial difficulty of the Client, it is the responsibility of the Client to inform the Artist immediately. Payment arrangements can be made to prevent cancellation fees.

  7. A rush order may be available on request. A rush order will be 25% of the total Commission price due with the original Commission Price 24-hours from the Commission Agreement. Depending on the complexity, the Commission can be completed between 1-2 days.


  1. The Artist will begin Start of Work in order of payment received, with rush orders taking priority.

  2. The Artist will inform the Client of Start of Work for the requested Commission. At that time, no refunds will be given. For more information on refunds, see section VI.

  3. The Artist will request feedback from the Client in four stages: After the sketch phase, after the lineart phase, after the color flats phase, and after completion of the final drawing. For information on revisions, see section V.

  4. The expected process time for each Commission will be 1-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the artwork and the placement of the Client on the waitlist.

  5. The Client will receive three files at the completion of the requested commission via email: A HQ image file, a lower quality web-version of the image file, and a .psd file. Any other versions, such as a Work in Progress image (WIP), may be available upon request. (.PSD files may include layer merging and may not reveal every step made in creation.)


  1. Three small revisions are included with the Commission price. Small revisions include but are not limited to: simple lineart changes after the sketch phase, and color changes during the flat coloring phase.

  2. It is the responsibility of the Client to be clear when filling out the Order Form and to provide references. A small fee will incur for revisions made after the initial three that are included in the price.

  3. A revision request for the final drawing may be made for a larger fee, the exception being if an error was made by the Artist, in which case the revision will be made free of charge.

  4. When making a request for a paid revision, the Artist will not begin work until payment is made for the change.

  5. Additional revision fees will be decided by the Artist at the time of the request, and will be paid before the additional revisions are made. The price will be determined by the amount of rework requested by the Client and can range from $1 minimum.


  1. The Client is not allowed a refund once the Artist begins Start of Work, unless in a case as listed below.

  2. The Artist will inform the Client of any incidence where the Commission will take longer than the time stated in the Commission Agreement. If so, a 50% refund will be given. If more than 30 days, a 100% refund will be given.

  3. The Client will also receive a full refund if the Client wishes to cancel the Commission Agreement before the Start of Work.

  4. The Client will not receive a refund for the 50% down payment made before the sketch phase in a two-part payment, if canceled after the Start of Work. The Artist, however, forfeits the final 50% payment.

  5. Refunds from the Artist to the Client will be made via Paypal. Refunds must be authorized beforehand by the Artist.


Status: Open

Check Order Status in Commission Info.Fill out the Order Form by clicking below. Make sure to upload relevant reference images in the form.Wait for an email from me with your Commission Agreement and send me a reply with your acceptance or refusal.Send our agreed-upon payment through the Paypal link provided to you in your email. I'll send it to you after you accept our Commission Agreement.Watch the Waitlist below to see your Commission status.Make sure to keep an eye out for messages from me in your email!


September 2021

Lineart and color, portrait, bg 1

Click image to view

Lineart and color, half-body, bg 2

Click image to view

Lineart and color, half-body, simple bg 2, 3 persons

Click image to view

Lineart provided by Client, color only, no bg

Click image to view

Contact Me
